Friday 2 January 2015

2015, Sims 4 & stuff

Hey dudes and dudettes,

So my dearest BF got me the Sims 4 for xmas!
Actually, he got it for me on boxing day at half price. I played a bit and here's my verdict:

  • They added pools (not that my sims can afford one :( ) so that's cool.
  • Still no toddlers... and the babies look even more pointless and boring then in previous versions (except sims 1... they're actually equal to sims 1) so I'm not even gonna bother having my sims get pregnant. They'll adopt, it's pretty much just skipping the baby stage since there are no toddlers >:(.
  • The graphics are GREAT! And I love the cartoony look.
  • The game loads pretty fast, So I guess it's sorta worth not having an open world, BUT They could've made the worlds bigger (I've pretty much seen all there is to see and.. yeah now m bored) and they could've made each neighbourhood (or wtv they call it) more open. i.e.: being able to visit neighbours without a loading screen, being able to hop between the gym, library etc without loading screen... etc. I don't mind the loading screens between worlds and between neighbourhoods, but this is feeling too much like sims 2 for my tastes... I LOVED sims 2, still play, but COME ON! This game is supposed to be an UPgrade... if you gonna go back to older features, be smart about it, you know.
  • I LOVE these new emotions thingies. They're quite fun. I also like how it affects the social interactions menu. 
  • I like the little goals they put for things like parties and work and lifetime wish or wtv it's called now. The whims are also rather easy to fulfil, so that's nice.
  • I wish there were more venues... the world is so small and empty :(
  • I hate the lack of customization! That color wheel thing in sims 3 was the BOMB!

I could go on. But all in all, There are things I hate, things I love, things I like things I don't. And to quote my favorite TimeLord loosely: The bad things don't always spoil the good things, but the good things don't always soften the bad things.

So while the game is fun to play and has a lot of potential, it needs a lot of work too. I'll be playing sims 3 still a lot more for sure. The open world and color customization were the best and strongest features of the sims 3. To remove THAT of all things, I think was a mistake. Like I said I would've been happy with a separated world that was at least open in each neighbourhood.

Anyway, That is all, see ya!

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