Sunday, 23 March 2014

Homeless Rockstar rules

Hey Dudes and Dudettes!

So... as I mentioned earlier my computer is being dumb and needs fixing, and I've been pretty busy with other things lately, so I haven't played any games in a good long while. I thought I'd pass time tonight by posting the rules to my homeless challenge that i'll be recording. I'm sick (well... surprise allergic reaction thingy, but sick is simpler to say), so anything else is too much effort right now... meds are kinda numbing my brains.

General challenge:
So, the general idea of this legacy challenge is to have each generation be a specific challenge. The legacy will probably last for more than 10 Generations, since I plan on exploring every single aspect of the game. Most of these will be existing challenges, but I'll change them up to my personal preferences... aaaand counting points isn't my thing, so no points system there! The general idea was to do a let's play to explore all the fun stuff in the game, but doing each expansion pack separately wasn't something that interested me, especially since there were a few things that could go together from different expansions.

Getting started:
I'm starting out with a sim whom I've started playing as a teenager and I'm having him move out to the big city as soon as he hits young adulthood. I'm doing it this way mainly for story telling purposes. A back story is always more fun for me. Of course it means my sim will have a few skills in his belt already, but that's ok, my little homeless boy has already quite a few obstacles in his way...
For one, he's homeless and can't get a job until he has a house or apartment. I'll get into more details about that in the rules.

He has 4 main goals to fulfil in order for this challenge to be a success:
  • Become a Rock Star (Fulfil the lifetime wish)
  • Become a 5 star celebrity
  • Have at least 1 offspring with the following traits: 
    • Charismatic, Dramatic, Star Quality & Rebellious (will be the Heir)
  • Get out of homelessness (That's actually goal #1)
    • Save enough money to rent an apt (initial cost + 2 weeks worth)

On top of it, he should max out all the skill challenges linked to his career.
If he can't get a job, he can't fulfil his main objective, and with no children, there will be no legacy. That's why having a head start with skills won't hurt the challenge.

When my homeless sim moves to Bridgeport, I'll place him in an "abandoned park" lot, right next to the big park, and then I'll change his family funds to 50§ and a few items he was able to bring with him (including a sleeping bag).

  1. Since he doesn't OWN the abandoned park, he can't have any actual furniture on the lot (except things he can put in his inventory/backpack). The bills will also be disabled (delete object) for this reason as long as he lives in the park.
  2. For the same reason stated above, he can't plant anything on the lot. He'll have to rely on the community garden.
  3. His money making options are: fishing, harvesting plants from around town, fulfilling opportunities (as long as they’re reasonable), collect and consign (bugs, rocks, gems, flowers etc.), play for tips, scavenging (dumpster diving or collecting scraps). His dog can help with that too. Nothing can be sold via the inventory, he'll have to consign, or sell at the groceries, etc.
  4. He can eat fruits and veggies he harvests, or eat either at Waylon's Haunt, at Eugi's or at The Grind, and also from the ice cream and food trucks.
  5. He usually sleeps in a sleeping bag, but can ask friends to stay over sometimes (especially in fall and winter when it gets cold)
  6. He can accept to move in with someone, but only if 1- he's in a steady relationship with the someone, AND 2- their relationship is above 75%.
  7. When it gets cold, he can sleep in the Fire station if there's no one in. Same for stealing foods and such.
  8. He can only get a job or join a career once he has a steady address.
  9. He must have at least 10 000§ before being able to move in an apartment of his own (roughly, i'm calculating initial cost of moving in + 2weeks of rent).
  10. Obviously, no money cheats.
  11. I'm always playing on Epic, so Long is the shortest lifespan I can deal with.
  12. The Heir must have all of these following traits: Charismatic, Dramatic, Star Quality & Rebellious. So I have to make sure they grow up well so I can choose their traits. If multiple children (yes I'll give them all those traits if I can 😝) are eligible for Heir, I'll hold a Heir Poll.
    • Spares will be fed to the time stream.
  13. The challenge ends only when all goals are met for the founder. And only then can the heir began their journey through their own challenge. (I'll see how i'll handle aging with that..)

I will be using mods, but none that will make the challenge itself easier. The main mods I will be using (but far from the complete list... I may have a mod addiction...) are:
I also have a few mods that will make the game, in general, a bit harder, i.e.: werewolves vampires and zombies are more dangerous, werewolves and vampires can kill, the zombie state is permanent unless there is a potion to cure it. But zombies don't span randomly at the full moon. I have the NRaas vector (makes various diseases span around town.) So all in all, I have quite a few mods in my game, but they don't generally make the challenge easier.

*Notes: Since marriage might not always occur before babies are born, the last names of the heirs may change over time.. like in real life... Which is why I won't be calling this "The [lastname] Legacy".
I'll be accepting suggestions for mini-challenges & stuff.

That is all!
See ya Duderinis!

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